Wednesday 28 July 2010

The Armadillo were silhouetted against the flowered carpet of the forest.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Some of my favourite animals all in one place. I'm dedicating this one to Grace Boylan for without whom I wouldn't have spent the last 12 hours colouring in tiny little flowers.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Articles, Prose, Lyricism: An arts blog from the keyboard of Nik Glover (worth bookmarking in your internet browser). I'm travelling to Espana in a few hours so will hopefully find some interesting things to photograph that'll end up as drawings next week. Hasta Luego, compadres!

Sunday 4 July 2010

Giant Anteaters and an upside-down Wing Walker. An illustration for an article about 'Wingwalker presents' for Bido Lito Magazine.

A Giant Squid attacking the Mersey Ferry to illustrate an article about Liverpool bar 'The Shipping Forecast' for Bido Lito Magazine.